Alash, poet, work, lyricist, lyrical hero, comparative analysisAbstract
Poetry has always been an important part of cultural expression in different societies, allowing us to look at the collective consciousness and ethos of the nation. Kazakh poetry, especially the works of Alash poets, occupies a special place in the hearts of people who reflect their history, dreams, struggles and hopes. We will analyze the ways of creating a lyrical hero and his reflection in the poetry of Alash poets with specific examples. As for the lyrical hero, the positive impact of these characters in the genre of poetry on the formation of national consciousness is also analyzed in detail. It is proved by examples that the purpose of Alash poets in creating lyrical characters is to raise the morale of the Kazakh people, whose National Honor began to deteriorate at the beginning of the twentieth century, and to awaken National Honor. In this regard, the artistic skills of M. Zhumabayev, M. Dulatov, Sh.Kudaiberdiuly in creating lyrical characters are considered. In order for our thoughts to be reasoned, the scientific conclusions expressed in connection with the concept of a lyrical hero were used for the purpose of research. Previously, scientific conclusions and opinions about the lyrical hero were also taken into account. In this article, we will study the concept of a lyrical hero in the poetry of Alash poets, take as a basis his Origin, essence and influence on the literary culture of Kazakhstan.
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