image, author'sposition, Abulkhair Khan, Bupai Khanim, artistic traditionAbstract
In the long-term practice of Kazakh literature, the importance and focus of historical novels have always been high. We will not be mistaken if we consider historical works serving the interests of the country as the main character of the Kazakh growing literature, which revive the past, reminds of the forgotten and brings to light what has remained a secret. The authors studying such works pay attention in the article to the breadth of the thematic background of Kazakh prose under sovereignty and the importance of historical novels in reviving the consciousness of the people. Taking as the main object the historical novel of the Kazakh writer Madi Ayymbetov "Bupai khanim", the image of the famous Khan of the Younger Zhuz Abulkhair Khanis considered. This novel is not able for its novelty, the fact that it was one of the few works written about a woman, and the fact that it was a work that describes the image of Abulkhair Khan, whose life was full of contradictions. In addition, the authorsurge to pay attention to the artistic tradition of Kazakh verbalart, worldview, personal position of the author in creating the image of Abulkhair. He defines the characteristic features, attaching importance to the dialogue of other characters in the novel with Abulkhair, his attitude towards him, comparisons in him. It also touches on issues of fate, folk worldview, similarity of thought with other works that may influence the artistic decision of the author.
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