natural science, teaching method, conversation, story, didactic games, visual method, laboratory method, modelingAbstract
The article “Algorithm - methodological training of future primary school teachers in teaching primary natural science” is devoted to the urgent problem of teacher training in teaching primary natural science at school for children of primary school age. The authors of the work conducted a study of teaching methods in the process of teaching primary science in primary schools, necessary for the methodological training of school teachers. A detailed analysis of teaching methods made it possible to identify the shortcomings and advantages of the analyzed methods and showed the possibility of their improvement through a successful combination of various methods in the course of teaching primary science to children of primary school age. The authors of the article, using their own examples, convincingly proved the effectiveness of a combination of traditional and innovative teaching methods. In addition to traditional teaching methods such as conversation, story, explanation, practical methods, in modern conditions of informatisation of society, methods such as the use of audio and video films and the use of the latest computer systems play an important role in the methodological training of future primary school teachers in teaching primary science.
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