motor activity, secondary school, physical education, physical qualities, physical fitnessAbstract
Research by scientists shows that the modern way of life in the family and the organization of the educational process at school does not provide the biological need for the school body to move. The daily motor activity of elementary school students decreases by 50 percent compared to preschoolers, and high school students - by 75 percent. The lack of motor activity of schoolchildren leads to a decrease in the level of physical fitness. The reform of general education and vocational schools has set new tasks for the entire education system to improve the educational process and educate the younger generation.The article examines the motor mode of secondary school students. When conducting pedagogical observations and a questionnaire survey, the characteristic features of the manifestation of children's motor activity during the day, changes in the volume of activity against the background of daily activities, the proportion of dynamic and static loads coming to the body and background energy consumption of children were taken into account. The physical fitness of the students was determined during physical education lessons based on the results of the test tasks: running speed for various distances and strength exercises. The indicators of height, weight, dynamometry, motor and strength indicators were studied. Based on the results of the research, methodological recommendations have been developed for physical education teachers and parents. The purpose of these recommendations is to provide the most accessible, physiological substantiation material for the preparation of a training program.
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