Cognitive, neoassocianism, aggression, stress, art therapy, denial, University, meditation, sleep, emotions, studentAbstract
The relevance of the topic “Cognitive neo-associationism: the role of negative emotions” is that, despite the time, the question of aggression and the way to calm down still stands and has not been completely resolved due to the fact that it is impossible to completely select an individual plan for combating aggression. Methods with elements of art, relaxation exercises and even sports were used as the main solutions to the problem. In the aspect of cognitive assessment, basic and suprabasic emotions are considered. If basic emotions are triggered by innate triggers, then supra-basic ones are triggered by those acquired during the life of a particular person. Superbasic or socialized emotions most often have a cognitive nature of origin and their appearance in the psyche. Such emotions are conscious in nature, since they appear upon the fact of a cognitive assessment of the stimulus; in turn, the appearance of basic emotions based on innate stimuli is most often not realized by a person. The purpose of the study was to overcome constructs in the scientific literature about the dominance of cognitive mechanisms of the origin of emotions. The object of the study was emotions and the nature of their origin. The subject of the study was a critique of the cognitive approach to the origin of emotions and the substantiation of the importance of the biological approach, where an important role is given to the innate and genetic mechanisms of the appearance of emotions. The methodological basis of the study was the analysis of scientific research on the problem of the nature and appearance of basic emotions in the psyche.
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