mental health, psychosomatics, level of mental health, mental health well-being, psychotherapyAbstract
In the given article the issue of human mental health is observed. Methods of determining the qualitative characteristics of personal and social mental health are described. In particular, attention is paid to the psychological qualities of mental health and resistance to environmental influences. Psychological qualities, a high-level development of which ensures an adequate level of mental health quality and resistance to influences of the environment. A level of mental health this considered as a consequence of a complex of individual, social and structural sources of stress and vulnerability factors. The most important characteristics of the subject area of a mental health quality category are considered, differentiated by the main matrix levels – installation, identification, structural and substantive, technological, instrumental methodological and systemic. The meta-model of social psychotherapy is given. Mental health is measured by a state of mental well-being, a person’s full-fledged psychological activity, expressed in mood, well-being and human activity. Strengthening mental health includes a person’s emotional and physical aspects, full-fledged development at all stages of his life cycle, a high-level development of higher mental functions (perception, memory, thinking, imagination, etc.)
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