hotel, hotel service, business process, modeling, diagram, BPMN,, management, process approach.Abstract
The article is devoted to the management and modeling of business processes of a hotel enterprise. One of the current trends in the development of the hotel business is a significant increase in competition. Therefore, in order to create a competitive advantage, hotel companies use various approaches and tools aimed at attracting customers, providing quality services and improving the image of the hotel. One of these approaches for hotel companies is the implementation and management of innovative and efficient business processes. A necessary step in the effective application of the process approach in the management of an enterprise is the modeling of business processes. During the research, diagrams of business processes of hotel services were developed using the standardized BPMN methodology. Using these BPMN diagrams, you can determine the end result of the entire process, and analyze the activities of the enterprise. The proposed model can be used in the development of hotel service standards, identification of weaknesses and vulnerabilities in the hotel service, training of hotel staff, as well as in the educational process in the training of highly qualified specialists.
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Published online
- 2025-02-21 (2)
- 2025-02-20 (1)

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