Aquaculture, Artemiasalina, nutritional resource, cultivation of fish larvae, viability, nutritional value, cultivation technology, productionAbstract
In aquaculture, the use of Artemia as an optimal nutrient resource for fish fry is an object of growing interest. The advantages of using Artemia include the possibility of mass cultivation under controlled conditions, the possibility of long-term storage in frozen form and resistance to external environmental conditions. Artemia, belonging to crustaceans, is a rich source of protein, fat, vitamins and minerals necessary for the healthy development of fish larvae. Due to the high content of unsaturated fatty acids, omega-3 and omega-6, fry contribute to the development of a healthy immune system, which reduces the risk of many diseases. Their small size and mobility make them available for cultivation, which ensures a high level of quality and reduces feed consumption. The results of the study show that the use of crustaceans as the main food source for fish farming contributes to improving the life, growth and health of fry. This makes them a successful type of feed in aquaculture and an optimal resource for fish farming. Further research in this area can lead to increased efficiency of fish farming, development of practices and improvement of the overall potential of the aquaculture industry. This article discusses the advantages of using Artemia, its biological value, ease of cultivation and versatility in the nutrition of various fish larvae. Various methods and technologies of growing Artemisia are analyzed, as well as their application in breeding species of fish larvae. Special attention is paid to optimizing the maximum growth of fish larvae and feeding conditions.
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