Cylindrical shell, stress, loaded surface, triangle, bondAbstract
In the article we will consider cylindrical shells, their definition and properties of cylindrical shells, as well as examples of their application. We will also consider methods for calculating cylindrical shells. A cylindrical shell is a geometric body formed by turning a rectangle around one of its sides. The result is a cylinder whose bases are two parallel and equal rectangles, and the side surface is a surface formed by rotating the rectangle around one of its sides. Cylindrical shells have two main elements – the base and the side surface. The bases of the cylindrical shell are parallel and equal rectangles, and the side surface is a surface formed by rotating the rectangle around one of its sides. A cylindrical shell with filling is considered. They are in an axisymmetric stress state. The case is considered when the filler has the shape of a hollow cylinder or an elastic cone. The results of calculations for each case are presented.
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