Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, Diwani Hikmet, existentialism, human existence, meaning of life, transient and eternal, Sufi philosophy, spiritual growth, purity of heartAbstract
This article explores the existential aspects of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi's philosophy. Methods of philosophical analysis, textual analysis (hermeneutics), value-assessment, and semantic analysis are used. The ideas about the transient and eternal, the struggle with the ego, spiritual growth, and purity of the heart presented in Yasawi's work Diwani Hikmet are analyzed, and their significance for understanding human existence is revealed.
Yasawi's teachings, calling for spiritual quest, self-awareness, and connection with the Creator, are considered a valuable approach to overcoming spiritual crises in modern society. His ideas contribute to national spiritual revival and demonstrate a connection with existential philosophy. The research results highlight the significance of Yasawi's teachings in Kazakh philosophy and universal culture, as well as prove their relevance for the contemporary era.
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