Encoder, matmodeling, resolvers, electrical signal, , element synchronizationAbstract
An important step to improve the accuracy and reliability of rolling process control. Encoders, as devices providing feedback on the position and speed of rotation of shafts, play a key role in automating production processes, allowing for a high degree of control and adaptability.The purpose of the study is to analyze existing continuous mill control systems and identify opportunities to improve their functionality through the integration of encoders. In the course of the work, an overview of modern technologies used in the automation of rolling processes was carried out, and the advantages of using encoders to increase the accuracy of positioning and speed control were considered.It is expected that the introduction of the encoder will significantly improve the quality of rolling, reduce the number of defects and increase the overall performance of the system. The results of the study can be useful for enterprises engaged in metallurgical production, as well as for developers of automated control systems.Thus, the work emphasizes the importance of using modern technologies in automation and their impact on the efficiency of production processes, which meets modern requirements for quality and efficiency in the metallurgical industry.
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