The concept of personality, artistic worldview, artistic reality, author's positionAbstract
The article discusses the concept of personality in the stories of the writer A. Kemelbaeva. The concept of personality in the work is the result of the author's worldview, position. Personality is the carrier of the author's point of view. The main goal of the scientific work is to consider the entire close unity between the author and the person on the basis of the writer's stories, analyze the features of the creation of images and the cognitive-ideological nature, the individuality of the approach. Although the images in the author's stories are simple working people of various fields, they are educated people of today's time, savvy in the phenomena of the world. Feeling the mystical power of creation and understanding it, he relies on the beliefs of the people. He believes in the truth of the creator, in his power. It is noted that freedom of belief, morality, and its significance in human life are one of the main characteristics of the writer's heroes. The main direction in his works is rooted in the best examples of World Literature; his stories are distinguished by an unexpected plot development, a rich artistic solution and content, National color. The scientific and practical significance of the work is that it contributes to literary studies in the study of the process of development of modern Kazakh prose, artistic searches and the continuation of traditions. After all, A. Kemelbaeva is a writer who does not repeat others, always brings innovations to Kazakh literature with his fresh searches and stylistic individuality. Especially in his stories, the mythical-mystical character, the detective line, ethnographic scenes, the revived use of traditional examples of oral literature express the author's stylistic individuality, the specifics of the artistic worldview. In the philological analysis of literary texts, biographical, historical-social, structural-descriptive, psychoanalytic methods were used. The results of the research work can be used in special courses of Philology of higher educational institutions, lectures on modern Kazakh literature. The theoretical and practical significance of the results of the work is characterized by the identification of the main place, historical nature and other features of the concept of personality in literary studies in the analysis of a work of art.
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