



tax planning, making changes, modernization, optimization, corporate income tax, tax burden, tax accounting, accounting policy, efficiency of activities


The relevance of the article is that today one of the fundamentally important problems is to strengthen the financial system and ensure the entry of the national economy of Kazakhstan into the trajectory of sustainable socio-economic development. The priority issues of modern economic policy are the formation of an effective taxation system in Kazakhstan. It is determined by the fact that tax planning contributes to the optimization of taxes and payments in accordance with the tax code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Modernization of tax obligations is measures of business entities aimed at reducing taxes and payments, taking into account benefits and provisions in accordance with the tax code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Tax planning is aimed at solving problems such as increasing income and reducing tax liabilities. It is aimed at optimizing taxes and payments by enterprises, opening accounting documents and tax reports for tax structures. To do this, business entities use tax planning, which provides for tax incentives based on the use of benefits in accordance with tax legislation. In general, modernization is any activity aimed at improving the overall situation. In the tax part, optimization involves a combination of tax indicators and, on their basis, improving the calculation of tax liabilities and snow-year conditions of enterprises. One of the tools for optimizing taxes and payments, as well as tax planning, is the development of a tax accounting policy. The tax policy discloses all the tax features of the company, and also provides for the disclosure of tax documents. The article also outlines the types of tax planning – strategic and tactical characteristics. Strategic tax planning is being developed to modernize long-term taxes and payments. The development of a plan of the current reporting time for specific types of taxes and payments implies a set of measures of tactical tax planning. It was noted that the main goal of tax planning is to improve tax liabilities and increase the efficiency of enterprises.


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Economic Sciences