teenagers, conflict, psychological pressure, communication, emotions, behavior, correctionAbstract
The article is devoted to the theoretical analysis and experimental study of various phenomena encountered in communication in adolescence. The causes and factors influencing the conflict, which is most often found in adolescents in everyday life, its negative impact on development and personality formation are analyzed. In the course of practical work, it has been proved that the process of positive communication of children in adolescence can be developed and adjusted through work aimed at special practical improvement. It is proved that the organization of special programs, by implementing them, allows you to achieve effective results in the development of communication characteristics of adolescents in the process of educational activities. In the course of the study, the results of the test "Schwarzlander success rate study" "methods of finding solutions" were presented. The purpose of the research work proved that it is possible to choose a number of defining directions and achieve an effective result of the application of developmental and correctional work. During the continuous work, the ways out of the conflict situation for teenagers were identified. In the course of correctional and developmental work with adolescents, such game and situational methods as communicating with them on equal terms, getting into various situations, getting out of them, and the emergence of psychological conflict situations were used. It was only with continuous psychological work that the possibilities and ways of prevention and correction of adolescent conflict were identified, recommendations were developed, and effective results were achieved.
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