play therapy, children, psychologist, primary school age, correctional work, attention, hyperactivity, speech development, mental processesAbstract
The problem of correctional work for children of primary school age is relevant
today. In this scientific article, the authors suggest that school-age children use toys and games
as a means of conducting remedial classes. Play therapy is a tool that can be used when
working with both children and their parents. To illustrate the research work, the article used
the questionnaire method, the bibliographic method, and the observation method. In addition,
caterers from real situations were presented and the games used for corrective work and their
guidance were shown. The MEGA Tulga children's development center was acquired as a
research base, which has been operating on the basis of play therapy in Taraz since 2016. The
center accepts children aged 3 to 14 years and conducts their correctional work. The center
presents more than 30 types of toys that enhance children's intellectual abilities. In the process
of proper communication with children and correctional work, it is necessary to choose the
right special tools. And game therapy in this case becomes universal. Despite the fact that this
area of psychology has developed in foreign countries, attention is now being paid and studied
in Kazakhstan. Therefore, the topic and direction of the article do not lose their relevance.
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