Translation, Turkic languages, cultural and literary relations, encyclopedia, linguistics, vocabulary, phraseologyAbstract
This article examines the cultural and literary ties between the two Turkic peoples – the Karakalpak and Tatar languages. The translation of the work from one language to another is analyzed. The role and contribution of translations of scientists and poets is noted.
The famous Karakalpak national poet I. Yusupov translated the poems of the Tatar poet G. Tukai from Tatar into Karakalpak. The article notes the great work of I. Yusupov on the translation and preparation of a collection of poems by G. Tukai and other poets of the Tatar people. At the same time, Professor of Kazan Federal University H. Minnegulov, in his articles about I. Yusupov and other Karakalpak scientists, notes their merits in spreading the work of G. Tukai among other Turkic languages. And he included these articles in the encyclopedia of G. Tukai.
The article also focuses on the work of poet and educator S. Majitov, a Tatar by nationality, who lived in Karakalpakstan and participated in the creation of textbooks on the Karakalpak language. In the 20s of the twentieth century, he created the first textbooks for Karakalpak schools, engaged in education, worked and directed a school in the Kungrad district. He is also a poet, writer and playwright. He wrote his works in the Karakalpak language. He actively participated in the creation of the Karakalpak alphabet and orthography.
The article notes the merits of Tatar and Karakalpak scientists and poets who put a bridge on international relations and cooperation in the field of philology.
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