values, philosophy, research, analysis, Axiology, nationalAbstract
The article discusses the philosophical features of studying the problem of values. There is a long history of philosophical analysis of problems related to the essence, content, forms of manifestation of values. Since ancient times, people have appreciated the world around them, the objects, events in it, the relationship between people and thought about their value. Over time, as society developed, the problems in this area increased and the importance of solving them increased. The theme of values remains one of the most relevant from ancient times to the present period. Democritus, Epicurus, Plato, Aristotle, J.Thinkers like Bruno, T. Hobbes, D. Didro, G. Leibniz, F. Bacon, I. Kant, G. Hegel pay attention to the philosophical and historical analysis of values. At the heart of the study of the problem of values are legends, myths, stories, epics, that is, models of folklore. In the oral tradition of the people, more attention is paid to Universal and national values, the essence and content of which are interpreted in different ways. The epics depict the spirit of patriotism, loyalty to the freedom of the people and the country. When ancient people thought about life, told Legends, stories or epics, they explained the value of the universe, its Infinity, The relationship between the universe and humanity, the importance, content, purpose of human life and values such as courage, wisdom, kindness, honesty, patriotism.
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