media literacy, competence, multimedia tools, representation systems, interactive methods, information, communication technologiesAbstract
The article is based on the formation of communication competence through the development of media literacy of students. The University directs the training of competent specialists with good knowledge of Information Technology, strong creative abilities, ability to analyze various information. In the process of using modern media materials in the educational process, it opens the way to the accumulation and verification of information and the ability to widely use modern innovative technological methods. In the field of developing students ' communication competence, media literacy based on the use of information and communication technology, they are taught to use the information obtained in case practice, professional activities, and solving any problems. At the same time, it provides students with the ability to correctly perceive various information, analyze it, and form an understanding of competence through communication. It is based on determining the conditions that ensure the analysis and formulation of scientific research, research and practice through the media literacy of students. Ideas have been developed for the implementation of methods for preparing electronic documents, which are implemented by multimedia tools – video and audio effects, various multiprogramming capabilities under the control of Interactive Software equipment.
In the course of the acquired knowledge and skills, it determines the ways of developing media literacy, forms the professional competence of students.
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