Purpose and objectives

The purpose of the scientific journal "Bulletin of Dulaty University" is to publish and disseminate among the domestic and foreign scientific community the results of relevant theoretical and experimental research on the problems of modern pedagogy, philology, economics, technology, law, philosophy, psychology, political science, journalism, culture and art, physical education and sports. natural sciences.

The achievement of the specified goal of the publication is ensured on the basis of the following main tasks:

- registration of the "Bulletin of Dulaty University" magazine in the Information Committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and obtaining a certificate of registration as a periodical;

- inclusion of the journal in the international database of periodicals and obtaining an ISSN, eISSN;

- publication of new theoretical and experimental results of relevant scientific research by domestic and foreign scientists, specialists, undergraduates and doctoral students in the state and foreign languages;

- the application of the provisions of publication ethics identified by COPE in the publication of articles, editorial procedures, etc.;

- assigning a DOI index for each published article and registering it with Crossref;

- involving prominent scientists from Russia, Germany, the Czech Republic, Belarus, Uzbekistan and other countries of the far and near abroad in the work of the editorial board of the journal and reviewing articles;

- distribution of the journal in international information resources and in the Kazakh citation database;

- inclusion of the journal in the 2nd list of the list of scientific publications recommended by the Science and Higher Education Quality Assurance Committee Republican Public Institution “Science and Higher Education Quality Assurance Committee” of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan» ;

- ensuring compliance of the journal with the requirements of the basic publishing standards GOST 7.5-98 "Journals, collections, information publications. Publishing design of published materials" and GOST 7.1-2003 "Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for drafting" and the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 20 (adopted on 12.01.2016);

- registration of the subscription index in Kazpost JSC for the purpose of distributing the magazine;

- formation and support of the journal's information openness based on the operation of the electronic website in Kazakh, Russian and English languages and the constant updating of its content to ensure information accessibility;

- the use of Open Journal Systems (OJS) to ensure the digitalization of work on the admission of articles to the journal and their review;

- checking published articles for illegal borrowings to ensure their originality (checking for plagiarism);

- high-quality peer review of scientific articles with the involvement of major scientists;

- regular coverage of the scientific activities of the editorial board members, the authors of the jubilee of the journal.

The implementation of the above tasks will contribute to improving the image of the journal and the formation of its own niche among modern scientific publications.
